Bloomington Campus
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental and Sustainability Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Sustainable Studies, which is offered jointly by the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, focuses on systems-leve linteraction of the social and economic spheres with the natural environment. For students who enter Indiana University Bloomington in June 2011 or after, Common Ground is required. SPEA General Education is in effect for students who matriculated to Indiana University Bloomington prior to June 2011.
Common Ground
See for updated reguirements and a complete list of course options.
Communication (6 cr.)
Professional Writing (One of the following courses)
- ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.) (P: English Composition)
- ENG-W 240 Community Service Writing (3 cr.) (P: English Composition)
- BUS-C 204 Business Communications (3 cr.) or equivalent
Oral Communication (One of the following courses)
- ANTH-A 122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
- ANTH-L 208 Ways of Speaking (3 cr.)
- BUS-C 104 Business Presentations (3 cr.)
- COLL-P 155 Public Oral Communications (3 cr.)
- ENG-R 228 Argumentation and Public Advocacy (3 cr.)
- THTR-T 120 Acting I (3 cr.) or SPEA equivalent
See the College of Arts and Sciences bulletin for more information about the major, and also courses approved for lists A-F and concentration areas
Students must complete at least 30 credit hours, 18 of which muct be at the 300-400 level:
- One Introductory Sustainability course (3 cr.) chosen from list A.
- One Human-Environment Systems course (3 cr.) chosen from list B.
- One Communication and Creative Expression course (3 cr.) from list C.
- One Data Collection and Analysis course (3 cr.) chosen from list D.
- One Environmental Science course (3 cr.) chosen from list E.
- One Economics course (3 cr.) chosen from list F.
Four courses from one of the following concentration areas (12 cr.) selected as specific therin.
- Sustainable Food Systems
- Sustainable Energy and Resources
- Environmental Ethics and Justice
- Biodiversity and Sustainability
- Sustainability Individulualized Program
Note: One course that is required for the major (with the exception of the Introductory Sustainability course) may count toward two degree requirements. Students must also satisy all requirements for a B.A. degree in the College of Arts and Sciences.
List A: Introductory Sustainability
- ANTH-E 101 Ecology and Society (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 222 The City as Ecosystem (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 208 Environment and Society (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 105 Earth: Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 162 Environment and People (3 cr.)
List B: Human-Environment Systems
- ANTH-E 328 Ecological Anthropology (3 cr.)
- ANTH-E 418 Globalization and Consumer Culture (3 cr.)
- ANTH-E 444 People and Protected Areas: Theories of Conservation (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 341 Ecological Restoration: Science and Politics (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 343 Perspectives on Environmental Decisions (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 411 Sustainable Development Systems (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 444 Climate Change Impacts (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 448 Capitalism and Nature (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 449 Political Ecology (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 453 Water and Society (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 478 Global Change, Food and Farming Systems (3 cr.)
- POLS-Y 313 Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 332 Introduction to Applied Ecology (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 457 Introduction to Conservation Biology (3 cr.)
- SPH-O 305 Integrated Resource Management (3 cr.)
- SPH-O 343/CLLC-L 300 Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture (3 cr.)
- SPH-O 360 Human Health and Natural Environments (3 cr.)
List C: Communication and Creative Expression
- BIOL-L 322 Writing Workshop in Biology (3 cr.)
- CMCL-C 212 Communicating Sustainability (3 cr.)
- CMCL-C 348 Environmental Communication (3 cr.)
- CMCL-C 435 Documentary Filmmaking (3 cr.)
- CSCI-A 348 Mastering the World Wide Web (3 cr.)
- ENG-W 311 Writing Creative Nonfiction (3 cr.)
- ENG-W 321 Advanced Technical Writing (3 cr.)
- ENG-W 350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)
- FINA-A 290 Architecture for Planet Earth (3 cr.)
- HPSC-X 240: Engaging Science – Communication and Public Understanding of Scientific Research (3 cr.)
- JOUR-C 327 Writing for Publication (3 cr.)
- JOUR-J 210 Visual Communication (3 cr.)
- JOUR-J 360 Journalism Specialties: Web Design (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 311 Introduction to Risk Assessment and Risk Communication (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 412 Risk Communication (3 cr.)
- TEL-T 351 Video Field and Post Production (3 cr.)
List D: Data Collection and Analysis
Qualitative methods
- ANTH-E 302 Laboratory in Ethnography (3 cr.)
- ANTH-E 485 Art and Craft of Ethnography (3 cr.)
- CMCL-C 318 Ethnography as Cultural Critique (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 388 Qualitative Methods (3 cr.)
Geospatial data analysis
- GEOG-G 237 Mapping Our World (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 336 Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 338 Geographic Information Science (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 418 Vector-Based GIS (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 419 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
Statistical and computational techniques
- GEOG-G 250 Computing in the Geospatial Sciences (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 488 Applied Spatial Statistics (3 cr.)
- POLS-Y 395 Quantitative Political Analysis (3 cr.)
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques (or equivalent) (3 cr.)
- SPEA-V 475 Database Management Systems (3 cr.)
Field methods
- BIOL-L 307 Biodiversity (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 465 Advanced Field Biology (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 350 Field Methods in Physical Geography (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 433 Geology, hydrology, and geochemistry in the Rocky Mountains (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 442 Habitat Analysis—Terrestrial (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 400 Topics in Environmental Studies: Plants and Plant Communities (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 443 Habitat Analysis—Aquatic (3 cr.)
- SPH-O 244 Natural History and Field Ecology (3 cr.)
List E: Environmental Science
- BIOL-L 111 Foundations of Biology: Diversity, Evolution, and Ecology (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 350 Environmental Biology (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 109 Weather and Climate (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 185 Environmental Change: The end of the world as we know it? (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 304 Physical Climatology (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 305 Environmental Change: Nature and Impact (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 307: Biogeography: The Distribution of Life (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 111 Physical Geology (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 118 Sustainability in Water Resources (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 122 Introduction to Atmospheric Science: Weather and Climate (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 131 Oceans and Our Global Environment (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 225 Earth Materials (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.)
List F: Economics
- BUS-G 316 Sustainable Enterprise (3 cr.)
- BUS-G 456 Non-Market Risk Consulting (3 cr.)
- BUS-L 302 Sustainability Law and Policy (3 cr.)
- BUS-P 316 Sustainable Operations (3 cr.)
- ECON-E 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
- ECON-E 321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 cr.)
- ECON-E 370 Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 448 Capitalism and Nature (3 cr.)
- SPEA-E 340 Environmental Economics and Finance (3 cr.)